“Proclaim as you go, saying, ‘The kingdom of heaven is at hand.’ Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse lepers, cast out demons. You received without paying; give without pay.”
-Matthew 10:7-8
In GSSM Second Year, you will not only go deeper in topics introduced in First Year, you will grow in leadership. You will receive training in preaching and teaching, culminating in a series of ministry trips across the nation–or even around the world–in which you give away what you have received from the Lord. You will also receive personal coaching to discern what God is calling you to and the help to walk it out.
“Global School has pushed me, period, in my outreach. I see that it’s a lot more fruitful; I’m a lot more bold to go ahead and say the things that are on my heart, trust the Holy Spirit, and just go for it!”
In the Second Year course you will grow in your capacity to minister effectively in both the corporate and one-on-one settings. But more than that, you will grow in your ability to respond to the mandate of Jesus to make disciples. Whether you are called to the marketplace, the church, to missions, family life, or to new frontiers for the Kingdom of God, you will learn to love well, to mature in ministry, and–whatever your age–to become fathers and mothers to His people.
Second Year students receive 20 weeks of in-class teaching and experience, including:
- TRAINING in public speaking and leading ministry services.
- TEACHING – You will learn how to effectively teach core topics like hearing God’s voice, healing, deliverance, words of knowledge, prophecy, and emotional healing. You will create and deliver teachings to a live audience in preparation for being sent out on teams in March.
- PREACHING – You will learn how to powerfully share God’s word and what He has done in your life. You will prepare two original messages and preach one of them before the student body. The Greenhouse is a biweekly extracurricular setting for students to practice preaching and to give and gain feedback. Fire Fridays are monthly preaching and healing ministry events at Global Awakening led by Second Year students.
- KINGDOM LEADERSHIP – Every week, dynamic leaders will help you grow in understanding of people’s hearts and in helping them discover the Father’s dream for their lives.
Every Second Year student chooses a focus area of ministry which meets weekly for 16 weeks. These deeper-dive options include:
- HEALING & WHOLENESS – A roster of guest faculty will deepen your knowledge and practice of physical healing, deliverance, and healing of the heart.
- PROPHETIC MINISTRY – You will be stretched and activated in your ability to hear God accurately and exercise prophetic ministry lovingly, with a focus on being biblically grounded, overcoming fear, increasing faith, and having the mind and character of Jesus.
- WORSHIP MUSIC – By laying a solid biblical and heart foundation, this highly interactive course covers topics from theology, prophetic worship and worship leading, to music theory, songwriting, arranging, audio production, vocal training, and song evaluation. You will complete two original Certificate Projects by co-writing and recording original compositions.
All GSSM students will have access to mentoring for growth in our extracurricular Worship Arts Equipping Rooms.
The purposes of a person’s heart are deep waters, but one who has insight draws them out.
-Proverbs 20:5
The world and the church need visionary leaders who know how to practically partner with the purposes of God in their lives. Coaching will help you prepare for the transition out of Global School and into your next season.
Both through large group sessions and one-on-one meetings, coaching is intended to draw out God’s direction from within students by asking questions that highlight what He has already placed in their hearts. You will acquire tools that will help you discover and do the will of God throughout your life.
The culmination of Second Year is the “Practicum” experience. From March until May you will go out on a series of student-led teams to destinations across the U.S. where you will teach and activate people in gifts of the Holy Spirit. In addition to ministering to attendees, you may also preach, lead healing and impartation services, or take people on public outreach. Additionally, Second Year students may be sent out as ministry and support teams for events of Dr. Randy Clark and Global Awakening.
You may also have the opportunity to participate in one or more international Practicum trips. Whether in an orphanage in Asia, villages in the African bush, the favelas of South America, or on the streets of Europe, GSSM students get to have a firsthand experience of what “global awakening” can look like. (While domestic Practicum is included in tuition, international trips typically require students to cover their own costs.)
Your journey starts here