“But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.”
–Acts 1:8
GSSM First Year is aimed at two goals: helping you to have a radical identity overhaul, so that you see yourself the way the Father sees you; and putting God’s spiritual gift “power tools” into your hands and giving you opportunities to use them!

“It’s awesome to be with a group of people who are passionate about God—passionate about releasing what God has put inside of them.”
Jesus told His disciples, “As the Father has sent me, even so I am sending you” (Jn 20:21). Global School of Supernatural Ministry (GSSM) is a practical ministry training school. Our mission is to help you discover who you are to God, the gifts He has planted within you to build His Kingdom, and the purpose of the dreams and passions He has placed in your heart.
Coming to GSSM means becoming part of a family. From the fathering and mothering of our staff, speakers, and the elders among us to the fostering of love and encouragement between so many new brothers and sisters, Global School seeks to be a home where every student can receive the Father’s love for themselves and live with honor toward each other.
GSSM is a non-accredited, practical ministry training school. Students completing the classes, homework, outreaches and other assignments will receive a certification for each course completed (See individual courses below for more).
Classes meet Tuesday through Friday each week from 8:30 am to 2 pm. School begins the last week of August and concludes in early May. SEE OUR ACADEMIC CALENDAR HERE.
You will read 12 books throughout the year with brief online quizzes for each book, as well as daily biblical reflections.
Developing spiritual gifts are put into practice through a number of required, off-site outreaches per month. GSSM values understanding and experience together, which lead to doing what Jesus did.
Becoming a disciple-maker gets personal in weekly small group gatherings. Leaders equip each member to open up the Word of God to others through hands-on practice. Students then take turns leading the group as they learn this reproducible model of relational discipleship.
Every student is invited to a personal ministry session with an experienced team. Whether for healing of the heart, personal breakthrough, destiny clarification or other areas, this time is aimed at the recipient encountering and hearing from Jesus for themselves. At GSSM, you will be encouraged often to “trust the process”! That process is God’s love transforming you through worship, learning, friendship, and Kingdom-oriented risk-taking.
In the First Year course, you will receive a biblical, theologically grounded understanding of the Kingdom of God. This includes a focus on your identity as a child of God and the discovery of the spiritual gifts and invitation He has given to you to be part of the expansion of His Kingdom.
First Year students receive over 200 hours of in-class teaching and experience, including:
50+ hours of formation in understanding the Bible, biblical covenant, and eschatology.
Hands-on Ministry training in areas such as:
Hearing God’s voice
Evangelism & outreach
Prophecy & prophetic ministry
Praying for the sick & healing
Words of knowledge
The call to missions
Divine creativity & prophetic art
Destiny clarification
The believer’s authority
Praying in the Spirit
Healing trauma
Seeing in the Spirit
In our intimate classroom environment, you will receive teaching, personal ministry and impartation from some of the leading revivalists, teachers, prophets and apostolic leaders in the world today. Our class sizes allow for personal conversations, ministry, and Q&A time with speakers. Between First and Second Year classes, approximately 70 speakers per year teach GSSM students. Student participation at Global Awakening conferences creates even more opportunities to receive from world-influencing ministers.
Our teachers include Dr. Randy Clark, Dr. Deena Van’t Hul, Dr. Kim Maas, Dan McCollum, Theresa Dedmon, Lee Grady, Dr. Mike Hutchings, Brian Blount, Joanne Moody, Will Hart, Blake Healy, Katherine Ruonola, Chris Gore, Julie Meyer, William Wood, Charity Cook, Brian Starley, and many more.
Core values of a ministry provide a snapshot of what is important to them. Everything we do as a school is aimed at one or more of these values.
- IMPARTATION: The potential for the power and anointing of the Holy Spirit to be transferred by God’s grace from one believer to another for His purposes.
- SUPERNATURAL LIFESTYLE: All believers were made with the capacity to live as Jesus and his followers did, in the Kingdom reality of the supernatural.
- CHARACTER: Personal holiness is valued as well as personal gifting.
- PRAYER: It is only possible to minister with the heart of the Father when when we maintain a relationship with Him.
- OUTREACH: The joy of salvation and the impartation of power are meant to be given away so that the whole world can know the love of Jesus.
- DESTINY CLARIFICATION: God has a loving plan for each person’s life. Through the discernment of our calling, we can establish plans to walk into our destiny, God’s dream for us.
- LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT: In order to be people of cultural influence, we must develop the ability to help others through Spirit-directed and Spirit-empowered leadership.
- DISCIPLE MAKING: Embracing the Great Commission to disciple all nations is a journey that Global students and staff are determined to pursue.
“The hour is coming, and is now here, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for the Father is seeking such people to worship Him.”
-John 4:23
There can be no “learning to minister like Jesus” without learning the kind of intimacy He lived with His Father and the Holy Spirit. At Global School, you will be part of a community that lives the priority of personal and corporate prayer and worship. Centering life on the presence of God is fostered daily through opportunities such as:
Regular, powerful times of singing, silence, and intercession are an important foundation of GSSM. Our worship community is committed to living as family. You will have the opportunity to audition for worship teams where cultivating musical excellence and leadership skills are valued alongside the development of original songwriting.
Personal mentoring for vocal and instrumental skill development.
A weekly group dedicated to waiting on the Lord in silence and praying into what they hear.
Learning to hear God and express what He is saying through painting is part of daily worship times.
Every student is invited to a personal ministry session with an experienced team. Whether for healing of the heart, personal breakthrough, destiny clarification or other areas, this time is aimed at the recipient encountering and hearing from Jesus for themselves. At Global School of Supernatural Ministry, you will be encouraged often to “trust the process”! That process is God’s love transforming you through worship, learning, friendship, and Kingdom-oriented risk-taking. Come and take the next step toward His best version of yourself through GSSM First Year!
As a GSSM student, you will bring the practice of supernatural ministry to the world outside the classroom. Rather than an “activity”, we seek to cultivate a lifestyle of outreach with no “off switch”. Students participate in organized outreaches as well as responding to everyday God-encounters on the streets and in the marketplace. These occasions often generate powerful testimonies of God’s goodness, healing, and saving power which are shared at the beginning of the school day.
“Then what?”
Outreach is about people encountering the saving love of Jesus in their spirits, souls and bodies. After demonstrating His compassion, mercy and power, you will also have the opportunity to accompany people you minister to on their own journey of discipleship through
- Alpha Groups: beginning-experience gatherings in inner city neighborhoods and in local correctional facilities
- Lighthouses: discipleship-focused home fellowships modeled on early house churches.
You will have admission to and serve as the prayer ministry team at some Global Awakening conferences such as Voice of the Prophets (VOP) and on-site conferences at Global Awakening. During VOP, the student body serves hundreds of attendees through individual prophetic prayer ministry.
Mondays at Healings, Encounters & Miracles, you can partner with the Holy Spirit, praying for walk-in members of the public seeking God’s healing touch. Students may also volunteer as online prayer ministers for Global Awakening Live-Miracle Mondays.
Whether with urban youth, homeless people, or strangers on the street, from courthouse steps to suburban shopping centers, Global School outreach will light a new fire in your ability to share the gospel with authentic love, boldness, and power.
At the end of First Year, you will go on an international ministry trip to Brazil with Dr. Randy Clark and a team of dynamic leaders. Serving on the ministry team in the large-scale healing and impartation services, you will witness the goodness and power of God in signs, wonders, and miracles…including through you! For many, this trip is a sudden catalyst for ministry in the power of the Holy Spirit.
The cost of the Brazil ministry trip is not included in tuition. Learn more HERE.
$5100 – Total On-site Tuition – If total tuition is paid on or before registration day, students will be given a 5% discount for a total payment of $4845.
$4600 – Total Online Tuition – If total tuition is paid on or before registration day, students will be given a 5% discount for a total payment of $4370.
- $250.00 – Confirmation Deposit – This non-refundable deposit holds your place in the school. For First Year students, this deposit is due upon receipt of your acceptance letter. For Second Year, this deposit is due by July 31st ($75 non-refundable application fee is not included).
Learn more about tuition or payment plans.
GSSM does not provide housing for On-site students and housing is the student’s responsibility. However, once accepted to the school, we will give you access to our online Housing Forum. There you can connect with local landlords with a preference for GSSM students, offering options from single rooms to houses to communal living, as well as with other students and applicants seeking roommates. Applicants are welcome to pursue other options that suit them.
Your journey starts here